The Water/Energy/Food Nexus in a Rapidly Urbanizing Area; A Case Study of San Antonio, Texas

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Water, energy, and food (WEF) are essential to human health, sustainable development, and economic success. WEF nexus is the interrelationship between water, energy, and food. The ability to understand how water, food, and energy are connected allows for a more sustainable environment. Urbanization is a process that occurs when populations from rural areas move towards cities and towns and create population growth. The process of urbanization can affect the WEF nexus by putting a strain on the availability and quality of resources because urban areas consume more water, energy, and food than rural areas. For the purpose of our research, we will be conducting a case study on the effects of urbanization on the WEF nexus in San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio is the seventh highest populated city in the nation and growing. We plan to develop a conceptual framework of the WEF nexus and how urbanization affects the water, energy, and food nexus in San Antonio. We will use qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the relationship of the WEF nexus with urbanization.

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