Well Being and the Childhoods of Black Women

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Childhood experiences have the potential to shape well-being during adulthood. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there is a relationship between recollections of childhood well-being and Black women's levels of well-being in adulthood. A survey was administered to 65 African-American women. The instrument included a retrospective version of the Feeling, Attitudes and Behaviors Scale for Children (Beitchman, 1996) and Simmons' Happiness & Subjective Well-Being scale. All of the participants are students at Spelman College who are in between the ages 18 and 25. It was hypothesized that Black women who recollect positive childhood experiences will have higher levels of well-being in comparison to Black women who recollect difficulties in their childhood experiences. Results may suggest that intervention during childhood can prevent negative well-being levels in adulthood.

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