Use of Multidimensional Techniques in the Mid-Infrared Region as a Way to Study Complex Molecules and Mixtures

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Abstract Summary

The infrared region of the light spectrum contains photon energies that are able to create vibrational excitations of covalently bonded atoms and groups. This region is known to contain many fundamental stretches (e.g. N-H, C-H, O-H, etc.) that are useful when analyzing molecules and determining molecular structures. The mid-IR region (approximately 400 – 4000 cm-1) can be used to study fundamental rotational-vibrational molecular transitions. The coherent multidimensional techniques that have been developed in our lab facilitate spectral decongestion and the creation of discernable multidimensional patterns.  Our group is currently developing a new form of high resolution coherent multidimensional spectroscopy for studying molecules in the mid-IR region.  Preliminary work has been conducted to determine the patterns associated with one of four selected four-wave mixing processes.  Simulated 2D and 3D results show that the created patterns should be capable of giving information on molecular identity and associated quantum numbers.  The development of this new mid-IR technique should be useful to scientists who are interested in studying complex molecules as well as mixtures. For example, patterns created using this new 2D or 3D mid-IR technique will not only produce patterns useful for determining molecular behavior but also aid in molecular identification.

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