The works of Fabiola Jean-Louis, a contemporary artist and photographer, reflect a style that is historical, haunting, magical, and mysterious. Focusing on her “Madame Leroy,” this presentation highlights Jean-Louis’s recourse to history and fashion as vehicles for interpretation of the treatment of Blacks. She uses various materials to engage white capitalist patriarchy, the value of black lives, and celebrate the black and brown female bodies. While there is a historical presence in the outfit of the sitter and the style of her hair there is also a modern and contemporary presence in the color palate of the painting. These elements create a juxtaposition within in the work as well as explain how the past can affect and influence the future. Fabiola Jean-Louis’s work interrogates social change as it relates to race. She creates multiple metaphors and allusions in her work. There is a story within each work, illustrating stories of colonialism, imperialism, and cultural appropriation.