Economic prosperity, a better quality of life, and a hopeful future are key aspects that migrant individuals seek when coming to the United States. These migrants often send money back to their native countries in hopes of improving the lives of their families. Research has shown that migrant remittances can bring prosperity to developing countries by increasing overall income and boosting key outcomes such as health, entrepreneurship, and education. This study examines remittances and their welfare implications by exposing 380 Hispanic migrants to varying information (e.g. on fees and customer reviews) on and conducting eye-tracking experiments and surveys. In addition to constructing such surveys (to collect demographics and typical remittance patterns), I am currently extracting, merging, and analyzing the eye-tracking and survey data. Preliminary findings suggest that some migrants pay little to no attention to the information presented to them, while others require information beyond what is currently provided (e.g. on pick-up locations).